Petition #21085713


Henry Persons asks that Presley C. Persons account for the proceeds of the sale of agricultural goods including "corn, cotton and oats" and distribute them in accordance with their agreement. Henry states that he and Presley C. Persons entered into a farming partnership on 1 January 1855: Henry was to supply the labor in the form of seven slaves, "men women and boys making about five good hands," while Presley was to supply five additional hands and manage the business. The proceeds from the cotton sales were to be split evenly between the partners, but Henry charges that Presley sold all the cotton and failed to pay him his share in 1855 and threatens to do the same in 1856. Henry begs that Presley answer these charges and pay him the money owed to him.

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Citation information

Repository: Yalobusha County Courthouse, Coffeeville, Mississippi
