Petition #21086002


Sarah E. Scott, a resident of South Carolina, seeks her rightful portion of the slaves that she and her sibling Frances inherited from their grandfather. She informs the court that said slaves "were removed from the State of South Carolina and placed upon a Cotton plantation in the County of Washington State of Mississippi, where they are at this time." Sarah declares that "said slaves are in families and that she believes [an] equal division of the same even if it could be made would not be to the interest of either" of said joint tenants, "as they reside in the State of South Carolina." The petitioner purports "that owing to the high price at which slaves are selling at this time a sale of said slaves would be advantagious." She therefore prays that "your Honor will decree that a sale of said slaves shall be made."

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Washington County Courthouse, Greenville, Mississippi
