William Presly asks that William Bonner be enjoined from collecting a judgment that he won against Presly in Abbeville in 1810. Acting as the agent of a Mr. Warnock in Charleston three years before, Presly sold Bonner an "african negroe boy called Cesar" for $275. Presly did not offer a warranty on the slave, as is "usual in the sale of africans," selling him "upon the express terms of not being liable in case of unsoundness." Sometime later, however, the slave died, and Bonner instituted suit against Presly. In spite of the selling arrangement, Bonner won a judgment for the value of the slave. The petitioner "never heard any thing further" on the subject until five years later when a writ for his arrest was lodged in the sheriff's office in York District. Presly asserts that the decision was unjust and asks the Charleston court to intervene on his behalf.
Result: Granted.
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Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina