Petition #21381910


Haley Tisdale, the son of the late John Tisdale Sr., seeks his distributive share of five slaves, who are in the possession of his brother, John Tisdale Jr. The petitioner informs the court that his father died intestate "seized and possessed of a considerable personal estate." He further cites that his father and "John Tisdale Junior had at the time of the death of the said John Tisdale a law suit pending ... the event of which was at that time doubtful" and that said John Sr. "with a view to an equality among his children, gave the said John Tisdale Junior as much property consisting of five negroes ... as would ennable him to satisfy the said Decree should the same go against him and still gave him an equality with his other children." Haley charges that his father "made it a condition of the gift that if he gained the said law suit then the negroes were to be equally divided." Averring that "said law suit was gained," he argues that "each of the heirs of the said John Tisdale are entitled to a distributive share of said negroes." Haley reports, however, that his brother has "refused to come to any settlement or to divide the said property." He therefore prays that John Tisdale Jr. and the other administrators of John Tisdale Sr. "be compelled to pay to your orator his part of the said estate and to divide the said five negroes with your orator."

Result: Granted pro confesso.

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
