Daniel and Ann McDaniel seek a division of ten slaves, currently in the possession of Ann's mother, Margaret McEwen. In 1805 when Ann was a child, her mother and father set up a trust estate for her and her brothers, John and Joseph; the children would receive a slave named Doll, and her "increase," when the youngest son reached the age of twenty-one. In 1808 Ann's grandfather, John McEwen Sr., also executed a deed of trust whereby the three children, and a newly-born son, Alexander, would receive the hiring proceeds from two slaves, Tom and Rose, when the last sibling became twenty-one years old. Rose died many years ago and never bore any children. All of the slaves remained in their parents' possession until her father's death and have been in her mother's possession since then. Pointing out that they "can derive no benefit from any of the aforesaid property whilst the same remains in common," the McDaniels ask for a division of the slaves according to the original nature of the trusts.
Result: Dismissed.
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Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina