Petition #21383104


John Barber, sole surviving executor of the estate of Daniel Green, seeks compensation from his co-executor's estate for defrauding Green's estate of money and of a slave. In January 1827 William Anderson's son, William Anderson Jr., hired a slave named Mary from Daniel Green. Green died in September 1827, and Anderson produced Mary "to be appraised with the other property belonging to said estate." The executors returned Mary "to complete the term for which she had been hired." Anderson, "with the knowledge, consent & permission" of William Anderson Sr., sold her "so that she has been entirely lost to said estate." Barber accuses Anderson of various improprieties, including selling the estate's cotton with his own, failing to pay money he owed to Green, and using money from the Green estate to buy up debts owed to another estate that he was administering. William Anderson Sr. died shortly before the petition was filed, so Barber appealed to the administrators of his estate, Daniel Anderson and Daniel Stinson, to reimburse the Green estate for the fraudulent practices of Anderson Sr. and his son. They have refused. Barber asks the court to intervene and to order the defendants to pay from Anderson Sr.'s estate the amount of the notes and the value of the slave to Green's estate.

Result: Granted pro confesso.

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
