Petition #21383509


Trustees Mary Peters and Margaret Bethune ask the court's permission to sell some of the slaves in the trust estate that they administer. In 1813, Christopher Williman bequeathed all of his property to a trust for his daughter, Harriette De Jongh, and any children she might have. In 1823, Harriette's husband died, followed by her daughter. Harriette has "been deprived of her reason," so the trustees have cared for her and her son William and have managed the trust estate. They report that the plantation "is old cleared land, very much exhausted, and without a Sufficient change of fields for successful cultivation." The past year's cotton crop did not cover expenses. With eighty-two slaves on the plantation, the estate is "over stocked with labourers & a few of them might be advantageously sold without detriment to the planting interest." The trustees ask that the court to authorize the sale of a few slaves to pay the remaining expenses and to provide for De Jongh and her son.

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
