Petition #21383740


Thomas Smith asks the court to "order and decree that the said John Chappel shall forthwith deliver up" to him a slave named Berry. After "commencing the business of an Itinerant Merchant," Smith became indebted to a "mercantile House in Charleston." In 1832 or 1833, he mortgaged Berry, estimated to be worth $500, to Chappel, with the "distinct and positive agreement" between the men that Smith "should have the right to return the money at any time, and to receive back his negro." Although Smith has "tendered back" the money, Chappel refuses to accept the sum and to restore Berry to Smith's possession. Confiding that Berry is a "favorite" slave, Smith insists that he would have never "parted with the boy on any other terms" than the ones described. He asks the court to intervene in recovering his property from Chappel.

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
