Petition #21384510


Absalom Turbeville asks that the sale of his levied slaves be enjoined. He informs the court that he purchased a family of slaves from Samuel Gasque on 25 May 1842. He further represents that Julia and her three children were in his "peaceful possession from the date of his purchase, down to ... September last, a period of more than three years," when they were levied for the debts of one Elly Godbold. The petitioner relates that said Godbold had sold the slaves in question, along with twenty-five others, to the said Gasque. Turbeville declares that the authorities had ample opportunity to attach Godbold's property, which included "valuable tracts of land, a valuable House ... several Negroes, cattle &c ... all of which was entirely unencumbered by any legal liens." The petitioner contends that "these circumstances ... should be held sufficient to exempt his said Negroes from being subjected to the payment of Godbolds execution creditors." Noting that these "execution creditors" now "threaten to sell your Orators said Negroes on next Sale day unless restrained from doing so by the Injunction of this Honorable Court," Turbeville prays that the county coroner "may be restrained by a writ of Injunction ... from selling your Orators said Negroes."

Result: Granted pro confesso.

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
