The heirs of Ephraim and Margaret Adams seek their shares of their late parents' estates. They represent that Ephraim died intestate, leaving Margaret and their five children as his “heirs at law;” Margaret died shortly thereafter. By her will, Margaret left a 50-acre tract of land to her daughter, Mary Ann Powell. She bequeathed the remainder of her estate, including a 485-acre tract of land, to her other four children. The petitioners report that their sister Mary Ann has since died without issue and that they are now entitled to all of their parents’ property, which, besides the land, includes considerable personal property. Their father, in particular, owned a number of slaves, and their mother owned livestock. The petitioners cite that they have all moved to Mississippi and, even though each one has been allotted his or her share of the land and slaves, the property still remains under the control of John Scott, the executor of their mother’s will in South Carolina. The petitioners therefore pray that Scott be directed to account for their shares of their parents’ estate. They also pray that the land and personal property, except the slaves, be sold and the proceeds divided accordingly. They further request that the minors' shares of said proceeds, along with their slaves, be delivered to their guardians in Mississippi.
Result: Granted.
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Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina