Petition #21384755


The petitioners seek the appointment of a trustee. In 1844, the court granted Lavinia Parker the "sole & separate use" of a slave named Mary. The decree further stipulated that Mary would remain "free from the control, contracts & liabilities of her [Lavinia’s] said husband" through the establishment of a trust estate; Dr. A. S. Clifton was appointed trustee. In 1845, Thomas Taylor conveyed a slave named Jaba, "purchased at the request of the said Lavinia Parker," to Dr. Clifton. The petitioners represent that Dr. Clifton died in 1846. Shortly thereafter, Lavinia sold Mary for $300; she has received $150 "with a note for the remainder of the purchase money." The petitioners request that Sidney Crane be appointed trustee to hold Jaba and Lavinia's other personal property and that he "be authorized to sell & Execute a title for the said negro woman Mary and to pay over the proceeds of the sale to the said Lavinia Parker."

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
