Petition #21385022


Thomas Dendy joins his wife, Harriett E. A. Dendy, and their trustee, D. C. Dendy, in seeking the sale of certain slaves. The petitioners represent that Harriett, "being possessed in her own right of three negro slaves," executed a marriage settlement with her intended husband Thomas, whereby her slaves would be held in trust for them "during their joint lives." Thomas and Harriett, having married in 1843, now charge that the said slaves, David, Marinda and Hannah, who has had a child and "is at present again pregnant," have "for months past been unruly & insubordinate -- that during the last year they ran away from the possession of your petitioners Thomas & Harriett repeatedly & without any excuse for so doing this at a season of the year when the crop of cotton planted & made by your petitioner Thomas was lying ungathered in the fields & requiring to be picked." Admitting that Thomas "has by proper chastisement ... endeavoured to cure them of their runaway habits but all in vain," the petitioners pray that D. C. Dendy, as trustee, "may be authorized to dispose of the said slaves, either at private or public sale & to invest the proceeds of such sales in other slaves, or in a tract of land."

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
