Petition #21385033


Jane Brice Douglass and Elizabeth Brice Stevenson, daughters of the late William Brice Sr., join their respective husbands, John Douglass and Robert M. Stevenson, in asking that certain property be "specified as the property of the estate of William Brice Senior deceased" and that "partition may be made of the same among your orators and oratrixes" and their siblings, the defendants. Noting that their father died intestate in 1849, they charge that the defendants purchased land and slaves "paid from monies arising from the sales of the crops and other Property of the said intestate" and that said property "belongs in justice and equity and of right to the estate of said William Brice Senr. decd. and is subject to distribution among the Heirs at law of said estate." Arguing that the defendants have set up title to certain slaves, the petitioners reveal that they "are unable to state unto your Honors in what way or manner" said claim is made; they avow, however, that said slaves "are in justice and right the proper goods and chattels of said estate of said William Brice Senr." They therefore pray that each defendant may be ordered "to account for all the property real and personal which has come to their possession" and that a partition of the same be made among said heirs if it is "adjudged and decreed to be the property of the said William Brice Senr decd."

Result: Referred.

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
