Petition #21385122


Peter McIver and his wife, Hannah Maria Nettles McIver, "are desirous that a partition or division should be made of the said lands, negroes and other personal property of" James Nettles, the late husband of said Hannah. The petitioners inform the court that Nettles died intestate in 1844, possessed of two tracts of land and "a considerable personal estate consisting of about thirty or forty negroes, which together with their increase now amount to about fifty." The McIvers further represent that Hannah, as administratrix, "found the estate of her Intestate involved to a considerable extent in debt." Asserting that "one half" of the estate's indebtedness "still remains to be paid," the petitioners purport that "it would be advisable to sell all the perishable property of the said estate except the negroes and apply the proceeds towards the extinguishment of the outstanding debts" and that the slaves and land "be divided among such parties, according to their respective rights." The petitioners therefore pray that the minor Nettles children be assigned a guardian ad litem and that a writ of partition may issue from the court. [The last page of the petition is not included.]

Result: Granted pro confesso.

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
