Sarah D. Boone, widow and administratrix of Thomas M. Boone, is desirous "that a division of the personalty should immediately be made under the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court." The petitioner represents that her husband died in 1846 "seized & possessed of" 65 slaves and more than 2000 acres of land and that it was then "considered more beneficial to the rights of all the parties in interest that the property should be kept together & the planting continued as in the life time of the said Thomas M Boone." She further reveals that "four negroes of the said estate were, by permission of the Ordinary of Colleton District disposed of as being unmanageable & the proceeds applied to the payment of debts" and that ten other slaves were also sold, "the proceeds of the sale of which was applied to the payment of debts." Asserting that "no division of said estate has as yet been effected," the petitioner prays that the interested parties be summoned and that "a fair partition may be made of the said personalty between your oratrix & all other persons who may appear to be interested therein."
Result: Granted.
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Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina