Petition #21385317


William Watts asks that Thomas Farrow, the administrator of the late John Farrow, be restrained from selling the property cited in his administrative inventory that is "claimed by him as belonging to the Estate of his intestate." Watts asserts that John Farrow in 1806 sold a 10-year-old slave girl named Lear to one Euphemia Brown, stipulating that the "said negro girl and her increase, if any, [were] to be returned back" to him if said Euphemia died without "a child lawfully begotten of her body." Noting that Euphemia has died, he reveals that "the duty of Administering her Estate has devolved upon your orator as the Ordinary of the District of Laurens." He avers that said Farrow "without any lawful authority to do so ... took possession of the plantation and premises upon which the said Euphemia Brown resided, together with all the personal property belonging to her." He further contends that Farrow's inventory and appraisement claims to be the property of his intestate; however, said "inventory and appraisement includes all the property of which the aforesaid Euphemia Brown was possessed at the time of her death." He prays that Farrow be decreed "to deliver up to your Orator all the negroes" and other property "contained in the inventory" and that he be enjoined "from selling the negroes and all the other property embraced and set forth" therein.

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Citation information

Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina
