John Anderson returns to court seeking $669.98 that remains "due unto your Orator." The petitioner reminds the court that he filed his original bill on 7 October 1858 wherein he stated that William Chambers was "indebted to your Orator for the sum of Two thousand Dollars" and that Chambers mortgaged six slaves and several tracts of land to him in order to secure payment of said debt. Anderson further charged that Hugh Aiken, "for the collection of a debt due him by Wm. E Chamber and with the aid of and cooperation of said Chambers took away with him one of the slaves mortgaged to your Orator named Tom a yellow slave and sold him in Charleston receiving the proceeds to his own use." The petitioner now states that "when the original bill was filed the mortgaged property had not been sold." He reports, however, that on 29 April 1859 "a decree for foreclosure of the Mortgage and sale of the land and such negroes as were left was made" and that "there remained due unto your Orator the sum of $669.48." The petitioner therefore prays that the defendants be ordered to "pay to your Orator the full amount of principal and interest due on the mortgaged property."
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Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina