Samuel Hunt requests the partition of a slave named Harriet and her two unidentified children. The petitioner informs the court that his mother, Ascenith Hunt, had a life interest in a Harriet from 1845 to 1861; during that time, Harriet had two children, who are now four and one years old, respectively. Hunt states that his mother has died "in the last six weeks," leaving him and his brother John a remainder interest in Harriet and her family. The petitioner requests that "the two infant children may be sold for partition or that partition may be made otherwise" for the benefit of both heirs. In his answer to this petition, John Hunt, by his next friend Samuel W. V. Hunt, responds that "the age of the [slave] children would indicate the propriety and humanity of their remaining with their mother." The defendant requests that Harriet and her children remain with the petitioner but that the court authorize a valuation of the slaves in order that he may be justly compensated for giving up his interest in this property.
Result: Granted.
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Repository: South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina