Petition #21482502


Samuel B. and Jane Childress Marshall ask that John Catron, the administrator of the estate of the late John Childress, be required to account for the "personal property including many slaves" left "in the hands of said administrator to be distributed amongst the personal representatives of said John." They further aver that the decedent owned 337 acres of land "on which he had erected a splendid mansion house" and that he "was also seized of one of the best cotton farms" in Lauderdale County, Alabama; they argue that said Catron is now in possession of both tracts of land. The Marshalls also charge that said administrator has received rents from county acreage as well as town lots in Nashville. The petitioners therefore pray that said Catron "may be compelled to pay to your orator and oratrix, and the other heirs of said John, their respective proportions of said rents and profits of said lands with interest thereon." They also ask "that partition be had of all said real estate amongst such of said heirs."

Result: Partially granted; appealed.

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Citation information

Repository: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee
