Petition #21483706


Patrick Braden asks that the administrators of the late Benton R. White "render a just, true & full account and history of the affairs" of a partnership formed by him and the decedent. Braden relates that he and said White "entered into partnership" in 1824, whereby said copartners agreed "equally and alike to bestow and give his personalty, services, labour, skill and attention to the management of the concerns of the said trade." The petitioner notes that said agreement was "not in writing or under seal but was by word of mouth" and that the firm fared well until December 1826. He further argues that White was in charge of the accounts and "took possession of the Books." Citing that White died in 1835, Braden charges that the partnership profits were "large & valuable after paying all demands & charges against the firm, for all which the said White has failed to render any account to your Orator or to pay him his share of the same" and that said White "converted your Orators share of said gain & capital to his own use." The petitioner therefore prays that the defendants settle the firm's affairs and that he be decreed "his share of the profits" arising from the "cotton, negroes, or other property sold or disposed of by said White, which was the property of the firm."

Result: Settled; dismissed.

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Citation information

Repository: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee
