Petition #21483906


John D. Young asks the court to divest titles to certain land and slaves "out of" his sons Napolean, Ferdinand, and William, and to restore the titles to him. He also asks that his sons compensate him for the slaves' hire. He explains that, during the years 1825-1827, he "was unfortunately addicted to constant habits of intoxication in so much that his mind was much impaired & his capacity for business so far destroyed that his friends & children became apprehensive he would squander and loose all his property." He claims that he "has but little or no remembrance" of transactions his children & friends "persuaded and procured him to make," including a conveyance of "all his negroes and other property to his children in the form of a deed of gift." Although he has "altered his habits and returned to his mind," his sons still hold "adverse possession" of his slaves, leaving him "in his infirmities and declining years upon the cold charities of a world of strangers."

Result: Partially granted; partially denied; appealed; injunction dissolved; affirmed.

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Citation information

Repository: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee
