In 1780 and 1781, James Purcell hired out several slaves to Richard Bayne, taking as collateral two signed bonds promising payment in tobacco. "Sometime previous to the first day of January 1782," James Purcell hired "for the Term of one year to a certain Jas Rakestraw & Richard Bayne two negroes named Jack & Grace for the quantity of five thousand six hundred pounds of Tobacco & took their bond jointly for the payment of the same." With the 1782 bond unpaid, Purcell later filed suit. Absent for the proceedings, he learns that Bayne successfully argued that a payment of 3,150 pounds of tobacco on the earlier bonds was partial payment for the 5,600 pounds. Purcell again files suit for redress.
Result: Abated due to death of plaintiff.
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Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia