When Mary Shields married Patrick P. Burton in 1827, she owned a family of slaves bequeathed to her by her grandfather, a "dower interest" in her new husband's real estate, and an interest in a deceased brother's estate that included bonds, houses, and a $6000-tract of land. To protect her husband from creditors, Mary agreed to combine her property with his but required that he sign a deed of trust transferring to her brother, John Shields, some slaves selected by Mary "on account of her attachment to them." These slaves included a pregnant Lucy, "peculiarly valuable on account of her Honesty, and her attachment to her mistress," and Lucy's four children. Burton's creditors have obtained judgments against him in the county court, and the sheriff of Bedford County has confiscated Lucy and her children. John Shields, Mary's brother, asks the court to enjoin the sale and to restore the slaves to his possession.
Result: Partially granted.
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Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia