Petition #21683502


Nancy K. Grigsby complains that James Grigsby, her husband of ten years, is an "unfeeling, cruel and remorseless drunkard" who associates with the most "vicious and abandoned classes" and has "sold three likely negroes, which he acquired by his marriage." In an attempt to save her husband "from the paths of vice and ruin," she agreed to move with him to Tennessee where his behavior towards her grew increasingly violent and he "struck her with a churn staff." Once the couple returned to Virginia, he threatened her life. She fears he might "purloin and sell" four slave children, the only slaves she has to support her own four children. Grigsby seeks a divorce and "perpetual separation" from James along with "protection of her person and property."

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
