Petition #21684702


Charles L. Cobbs represents that "his deceased father [Robert] Cobbs died seised and possessed of a considerable estate, consisting of Lands negroes &c" and "that among the negroes belonging to the estate of the said Decedent, there was one who became deranged, and consequently totally incapacitated to do any kind of work, therefore he became chargeable on said estate." Cobbs contends that "the other Legatees of the said Ro: Cobbs dec: being afraid or not wishing to be incumbered with a deranged negro refused to let Harry remain with them; Said Harry came to your Petitioners residence" and Cobbs took on all of the expenses necessary to care for him. In November 1846, the court ordered that Harry be sold "at public auction either to the highest or lowest bidder," but Harry died before such a sale could take place. Cobbs now prays that the other legatees compensate him for the expenses incurred for the care of Harry.

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
