Petition #21685522


Elizabeth Waid seeks a divorce from her husband William. Although they had lived happily together for over ten years and had two children, Elizabeth complains that now William "has treated her in a very harsh, unfeeling and cruel manner, frequently beating and abusing her without any just cause or reason." She reports that William "did abuse, beat, wound and bruise her in the most cruel manner ... at the same time tearing from her body almost all her clothes; so severe was the pain and injury inflicted upon your oratrix by him on this occasion, that the attention of an overseer residing several hundred yards off was attracted by the outcries of your oratrix and he prepared to come to her assistance." In addition, she claims that he has had "illicit intercouse with several negro women belonging to him, and residing on the same place with your oratrix, in the most scandolous and disgusting manner." Fearing for her life, Elizabeth has fled William's plantation to live with a relative. She cites that William "is addicted to habitual drunkenness," and she laments that she "has no reason to hope" that his violent behavior will ever cease. Elizabeth requests a divorce, custody of her two children, and restoration of her rights to the property and slaves that she inherited from her first marriage.

Result: Dismissed.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
