Petition #21685526


Susan A. Gully seeks a divorce from her husband William. Reporting that they lived happily together "for some eight or ten years," Gully "regrets to be compelled to say that the conduct of her husband has been for several passed very different from what it should be ... [that] she had reason to suspect his fidelity to the marriage vow." She laments that she later discovered that he "applied most of his wages to the support of a free negro woman" and that "finally he abandoned your oratrix and her four children left the town of Charlottesville ... in company with the negro woman above refered to, and has never returned." Susan admits "that it is true he has made some advances towards a reconciliation but your oratrix believes these overtures were never made in good faith, and she fears if she were to receive him again as her husband, he would not abandon his vicious practices." Citing "that the children are getting old enough to be of some service," Susan fears William "may demand their custody." In addition to "a divorce from the bond of matrimony," she asks that she be given custody of her children and that William provide for their support.

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
