Petition #21685614


Sally A. Odineal requests that "a divorce from bed & board be decreed between your Oratrix & her said husband," Joel W. Odineal." She confesses that "three weeks after said marriage she was accused by her said husband of adultery and of the basest lewdness, without any pretence or colour of reason." She states that the said Joel "accused her of illicit intercourse" with her seventy-year-old uncle, who is "a minister of the gospel" and for whom she felt "natural" affection. Revealing that she was a teacher before her marriage and "was not accustomed to the drudgery of hard labour," Sally complains that Joel "refused to allow any of the negroes to assist her in any work in or about the house, compelled her to wash & cook for him, and to cook for the negroes." She admits that he "even has accused her of illicit intercourse with one of his negroes." Noting that Joel had "gradually become more violent towards her," Sally states that "she left him, under the reasonable apprehension of bodily hurt," whereupon he "advertized all of his property for sale." Seeking a divorce and alimony, the petitioner also prays that "such order be made as may be necessary for the preservation of his estate so that it be forthcoming to meet any decree in this suit."

Result: Partially granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
