Petition #21685616


George and Martha Mattox inform the court that Martha had previously petitioned for a divorce from George and had asked that A. A. Arthur, a trustee for property held in her benefit, be replaced. They report that the court ruled that Martha "had not made out such a case as to entitle her to a divorce," but it did remove Arthur as trustee and appointed Moses Arnold in his stead. They now assert that "since the termination of said suit they have become reconciled to each other and are now living together." Explaining that Moses Arnold "intends shortly to remove from this state and is willing and anxious to be relieved of his office of trustee," the petitioners pray "that your Honor will decree that he be removed as trustee and that your Orator George H. Mattox be appointed such in his stead to take possession of and hold the said property for the use and benefit of your Oratrix the said Martha."

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Circuit Court Building, Rustburg, Virginia
