Petition #21685826


Jane J. Williamson seeks a divorce from her husband, John Williamson, because he has "grievously wronged and injured her." She cites that he "has not only treated her most cruelly and put her in fear of bodily injury by threats of violence towards her but that she has recently become satisfied ... that he ... now has his paramour with whom he has cohabited and committed adultery." The petitioner cites that "she is without any means of support for herself and children" and that John "is now in the possession of and has under his controul a negro woman named Rachel and her child ... named William and whom he holds as Trustee in a deed of trust ... made by the mother of your Oratrix." Fearing that John "intends to remove and will remove the said negress Rachel and William out of this state," the petitioner requests that her husband "be prevented from so doing by the injunction of this Court." She also "desires that your Honor will decree to her the care and custody of her said minor children free from interruption or molestation on the part of the said Jno Williamson, who ... is utterly unfit to be entrusted with their care and management."

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia
