Petition #21685915


Rebecca A. Spragins seeks a divorce from her husband, Dr. Leonidas D. Spragins. Citing that they were married "on the 2nd day of March 1858," Rebecca charges that his conduct "was such that she was compelled to leave him that his treatment to her was cruel and that she was under great apprehension of bodily hurt indeed she charges that her life was in great danger." She further avows that her husband "was guilty of Adultery with one of his own slaves a negro girl named Lucy Ann" and that "in fact the said Spragins boasted of his illicit intercourse with others & other negro women." The petitioner notes that the said Spragins "is the owner in fee simple of a valuable tract of land," comprised of some 900 acres and worth "at least ten thousand Dollars;" he also owns 18 slaves. Fearful that he "will convert his property into money & remove the proceeds out of the Commonwealth" and that he will "take off his negroes & sell them," the petitioner prays "the court decree unto your oratrix a Divorce from the Bond of Matrimony from the said Spragins and make such division of the estate of the said Spragins as may [be] just & proper." She further requests that the sheriff "be required to take possession of the slaves aforesaid & hire them out till the further order of the Court."

Result: Granted.

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Citation information

Repository: Halifax Circuit Court Building, Halifax, Virginia
