
1 people are documented within DC.WAS.AQ41.249.1
Name Age Color or Race Sex Role in document
William Savory 30 Mixed race ("mulatto") Male grantee


Certificate of freedom was recorded on 5 September 1818. "On this day Ann Proctor, a white woman of lawful age" swears that she "well knows William Savoy a Mulatto man about 30, about 5' and 6" high [with the] nail of his second finger (on his] right hand injured by a fell um [sell um], and the second finger of [his] left hand by a cut of sickle, to be freeborn; that she knew his mother who was also free born." Ann Proctor also states that she knew William Savoy from his infancy and that the above facts are true. Sworn before Daniel Rapine (Justice of the Peace].