
2 people are documented within DC.WAS.G7.245.2
Name Age Color or Race Sex Role in document
Thomas G. Addison grantor
George Beall grantee


At the request of Thomas Graften Addison the manumission was recorded on 17 August 1801. Thomas G. Addison of Washington Co., District of Columbia sets free George Beall "for a good and valuable consideration" [no amount stated]. Thomas Moore, James Moore, and Samuel [Bayly] are witnesses to the signing and sealing by T.G. Addison on 15 August 1801. [Compiler's note: The original handwritten Liber was first reviewed because it was available at the Recorder of Deeds office instead of the typed version. The typed version is at the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). It was found that pages 243 through 248 were missing from the handwritten Liber. Therefore the typed Liber at the NARA was reviewed and the information was obtained for this note. In the Table of Contents of Liber G-7 this document is listed as a list of slaves instead of as a manumission.]