
11 people are documented within NC.CHE.A.108.1
Name Age Color or Race Sex Role in document
Arch. R.S. Hunter grantor
Nath W Hunter grantee
Hugh Black ("negro") Male enslaved
Nancy Female enslaved
Wily Unknown enslaved
Resetter Unknown enslaved
Harnett Unknown enslaved
Glen Unknown enslaved
Peter Unknown enslaved
Charley Unknown enslaved
Jenneth Unknown enslaved


A.R.S Hunter gave his son Nath. W. Hunter several negroes and also other listed property. The deed reads one negro boy Hugh then lists several other names, first of which is Nancy and her 3 children. Then it reads viz Wily Resetter and Harnett which I take to be the names of her 3 children. Then 4 other names are listed. I assumed all those named people were slaves given, but their race was not indicated.